Friday 14 June 2013

Vintage inspired bespoke memorabilia jewellery

I love bespoke jewellery and I find this particular example of bespoke jewellery to be so inspiring and sentimental. I am almost ready to send off a clipping of lace from my wedding gown, matched with rosary beads I picked up while visiting the Vatican city 10 years ago, and a small broken pendant my grandmother gave me. With a combination of these items a very talented jewellery maker, Shelley Marie VonStrum creates vintage inspired, memorabilia jewelry that you can wear and love throughout your lifetime and pass on for generations. Have you got a part of your wedding invite, a string of pearls from your grandmother, a small drawing, an “I love you mum” scribbled on a piece of paper from your loved one or child, a lock of hair or a piece of vintage fabric that you adore??? The list and possibilities go on. All of these items and more are inserted behind a clear stone (they come in many shapes and sizes) set in vintage inspired filigree and fixed to a necklace, ring, bracelet, pair of earrings or brooch.

Secret Lace Bridal offers this jewellery exclusively in Auckland, you can either chose from their sample range, or design your own. Ladies who are choosing to sell their pre loved wedding gowns are increasingly benefiting from this amazing jewellery range.

“ My wedding dress has been sitting in my wardrobe taking up valuable space ever since I got married. I obviously was never going to wear it again, and I didn’t want to assume that one day I would have a daughter who would want to wear it. I really liked the idea of selling my dress, and giving someone the opportunity of loving it as much as I did, however I was still attached. When I heard about the jewellery at Secret Lace I was immediately convinced to let my dress go. We are going to take a clipping of lace from the hem and put it into a pendant. I will be able to enjoy my wedding dress everyday now, and the daughter I might some day have could wear this beautiful necklace on her wedding day” Sonya Richards

Secret Lace Bridal is located at Unit 2, 82 Main Road, Kumeu, Auckland.
Ph 412 9584